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Resources for autistic students / students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields

Students, Families

College Student Housing: Answers for Autistic Students

Video overview of college student housing with STEM grad student Patrick Dwyer. Noise, room accommodations, issues with roommates, and more. 3290
Students, Families

Autism and STEM: Career Considerations for Students

Sometimes we hear a lot about autism and STEM, and it can feel unthoughtful. Here, contributor Katie Matthews helps students clarify whether a STEM field might be a match for them, and which particular fields could be a good fit. 6532

Tips for Autistic Students: Attending Academic and Scholarly Conferences

Worried about someone saying something rude or inappropriate about your research? STEM grad student Laura Gilmour shares key presentation and conference pointers. 1931

A Guide for Autistic Students to Using Video Rehearsal for Presentations and Interviews

Check for filler words. Are you overly using “like” or “um?” While these are somewhat normalized in daily speaking and often increase during nervous moments, making note of your habits can help you be aware of what you might say and help decrease use of them. 3508

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