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Resources for autistic students / students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields

cooking autistic sensory sensitivity

Autistic Sensory Sensitivity on Campus, Part Five: Food and Cooking

I think it’s interesting, and a bit startling, to realize just how much inter-individual variability there probably is in the human sense of taste. 2604
autistic students college transition
Students, Families

Autistic and Transitioning to College? What Students and Families Need to Know

Video with subtitles. A brief but wide-ranging exploration of what a successful transition takes and how to achieve it. 2113
bullying and autism
Students, Families, Educators

Bullying and Autism: How to Recognize Harmful Behavior and Create a Safer School Environment

When you see bullying, act. One of the most important things people can do is not to become a "passive bystander" when others are being bullied. 4002
Socializing tips autistic students in STEM
Students, Families, Educators

Socializing in STEM Classes and Careers, Part Two: Practical Tips for Autistic Students

Don’t be discouraged if a first or second attempt at reaching out fails—just look for the next opportunity. 1559

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