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Resources for autistic students / students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields


Autism, STEM, and UDL: What is Universal Design for Learning?

UDL is a framework for designing based on three broad principles tied to how our brain functions in terms of networks. 7501
IEPs grading autism
Students, Families, Educators

Alternative Grading Can Support HS Students on the Spectrum Who Want to Pursue STEM in College

What advantages are there to adjusting the traditional grading system and working on something more specific to an individual student? 1590
Students, Families

Let’s Talk Autism, Special Interests & College Social Life

Not only were there more people who shared a special interest with me, but the ones who didn’t thought no less of me for having them. In fact, they thought it was interesting, because they had interests of their own, and we had a shared experience that way, autism or not. 2690
autism STEM instruction UDL

Autism, STEM, and Universal Design: Support Student Difference

Video interview. Having your syllabus state that you support students with disabilities is just one way to create inclusivity and demonstrate your support for all students. 4068

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