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Resources for autistic students / students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields

autistic students organization
Students, Families

The Ultimate College Guide: Lists, Schedules, and Calendars for Autistic Students

Scheduling your time well is one of the simplest and most effective strategies to achieving success at college! But how can we schedule our time well? Read on to find out. 3519

Autism and STEM: Am I Ready for the College Experience? What Are My Goals?

Autistic students must define obvious needs, such as academic and transportation accommodations, but it is also beneficial to measure more nuanced needs such as independence and social living. 2639
autism STEM special interests

Let’s Talk Autism, Academic Special Interests, and STEM

Special interests are your Marauder’s Map, your hyperdrive, and your superpower. Let’s dive into how they work. 1721
autistic self-advocacy
Students, Families

Autistic Self-Advocacy and STEM: A College Journey

Laura Gilmour shares her journey from new student learning about college expectations to confident graduate student conducting her own STEM research. 2523

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