Laura Gilmour shares her journey from new student learning about college expectations to confident graduate student conducting her own STEM research.
Autistic Sensory Sensitivity on Campus: Part Three, The Role of Environmental Context and Internal Stress
Our sensory experiences don’t only depend on the sensory input—don’t only depend on the properties of the specific sensory stimulus we experience—but also depend on other factors.
“Find a Pathway That Works for You”: Jody Goldstein, Director of Disabilities Services, UMASS Lowell
When students receive peer support, they are much less likely to feel isolated and marginalized. Judy Goldstein discusses ways peer mentoring groups help autistic students thrive.
How Autistic Students Can Start Campus Clubs to Develop Friendships and Support Networks
The keys to starting your organization will be motivation, a specific focus, and patience with the logistics necessary to getting it running.
Patrick Pontificates: An Autistic STEM Grad Student on All You Need to Know About Lists, Schedules, and Calendars
Patrick Dwyer has an organizational secret to share that’s “so well hidden, concealed so elegantly, that even many neurotypicals are unaware of it.”