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Resources for autistic students / students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields

Students, Families

Five Ways to Prepare Your Autistic Student for Achievement as They Transition to College

Practice life-skills. Find a point-person on campus. Encourage your autistic student's self-advocacy. Becker discusses these and other supports for students on the spectrum preparing to transition to college. 2642

Know Disability Laws: Reduce Your Anxiety When Your Student on the Spectrum Transitions to College

FERPA. IDEA. ADA. After reading this article, you'll have a clearer understanding of these laws and what they mean for you and your autistic college student. 2125

Parent Perspective: Autism, Independence, Safety, and Campus Choice

Maureen Perkins and her son who has autism started planning his college transition his sophomore year of HS. It paid off. Strategies that worked for them. 2126
autism senior prepare college
Students, Families

Senior Year: Seven Steps Autistic Students Should Take to Prepare for College

Taking campus tours, exploring student activities, and accepting a little anxiety. Things autistic students can do to make college transition, well, if not "a breeze," a little less intimidating! 2169

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