Should you disclose your autism in college? STEM graduate Justin Robbins shares the pros and cons based on his college experience.
Exploring Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment: An Interview with College Student Jake Keene
Hear about one student’s experience in an inclusive concurrent enrollment program, and what he’s up to in college now.
Autistic Professional Profiles: Quality Assurance Specialist, Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing Company
Hear from an autistic STEM employee about the college transition and how he’s succeeding in the workforce.
Socializing in STEM Classes and Careers, Part Two: Practical Tips for Autistic Students
Don’t be discouraged if a first or second attempt at reaching out fails—just look for the next opportunity.
Letter to a Younger Me: You’re Passionate, More Passionate Than Most People Can Imagine
Hello! It’s good to finally talk with you. I’ve wanted to do this for years now. How are you doing? You don’t have to say “good” or anything else like that unless you mean it. It’s kind of odd how we (society) ask that question but there’s only one acceptable answer.