Guest Post Two: Autistic Science Person Ira Kraemer on Challenges to STEM Education for Students Lacking a Diagnosis
I can’t overstate this enough: the most important part of graduate school is finding nice people, having a kind, supportive mentor, and having peers who support each other.
Autistic Science Person Ira Kraemer: Transitioning to Grad School & Adjusting to the New Environment
Transitioning to any sort of new school is like taking notes in class – messy. It also feels like everyone else is walking around with a navigation system while you’re just fumbling about. Sometimes though, other people let you know that they don’t have a GPS either!
On Mentorship, Lab Environments, and Job Applicant Disclosure: An Interview with Chemistry Professor Jen Heemstra
On one hand, disclosing too early could create bias that eliminates you from the competition. On the other hand, disclosing provides context that can help you have a more successful interaction with a future employer.
Insights in STEM: Former Department Chair and Professor of Computer Science Margie Bleichman
Faculty, ask questions and seek to understand the accommodations process to help dispel misconceptions about unfair advantages for students receiving accommodations.
Insights in STEM: Community College Administrator & Instructor Don Brady
Quick tips for instructors and students about supporting neurodivergent students in the college classroom.
College Autism & Student Variability: UDL Resources
Video interview. If you’ve already watched our brief videos on what UDL is, how to implement it, and tips for group work, this one can direct you to further resources.
Creating a College Club by and for Autistic Students
“This is the most fundamental lesson in founding an autistic student club: you are not alone”: college support group founder Justin Robbins.
Assistive Tech to Support Autistic Students in the Classroom
Video. STEM grad student Patrick Dwyer sits down with UC Davis’s Accessible Tech Analyst Joshua Hori for an overview of Livescribe Smartpen, Sonocent Audio Notetaker, and ClaroPDF.
UDL and Autism: Simple Ideas for Group Work
Stuck in a rut with group work? This brief video offers simple steps for using UDL principles to improve your group work outcomes.