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Resources for autistic students / students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields

where to study

Autism & Finding Places on Campus that Support Your Study Needs

The most effective coping mechanism I had was to sit somewhat off-center to avoid the loudest section of the lecture hall. 1693
universal design strategies autism

Universal Design Strategies: Autism & Student Difference

Simple steps for incorporating UDL principles into your pedagogy. Lecture, resource, syllabus, and assessment strategies. 2950
autism accommodations college
Students, Families, Educators

The Autism Accommodations Process: Faculty Primer

The goal is not to provide a golden ticket to whatever a student wants. The goal is to provide them with an equitable classroom experience that gives them an equal opportunity to succeed. 2615
sensory sensitivity food dorms

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