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Resources for autistic students / students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields

STEM Jobs Without Degree

STEM Jobs That Don’t Require Four-Year Degrees

Rewarding STEM Jobs are available to autistic students without a 4-year degree. STEM career paths take many forms. Learn how to best pursue your interests. 20433
autism STEM study skills

Studying College Biology: How to Learn as You Go

Essential study skills for autistic STEM students. Learn how and why to "study as you go" and other important study skills. 2202

Jobs & Work-study: Key for Autistic STEM Students

Autism and work-study jobs. If you're an autistic student, pursuing a work-study job can help you in the workforce transition. 1563

Autism and Addressing Workforce Bullying

Autism and addressing workforce bullying. How to know if you're experiencing bullying or miscommunication, and what to do about both. 5022

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