
Q & A With Autism College Transition Consultant: On Privacy Laws

Are you wondering about the privacy laws in college and how they impact autistic students? In this series of videos, former Associate Dean of Student Support Services Susan Woods answers questions for students and parents preparing for the transition from high school to college. Here she takes a moment to discuss privacy laws that apply to all college students. 

Interested in hearing more from Susan? Try these posts: Autism and Community College: Why It’s a Good Fit and Case Study: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Autistic Students. To learn more about FERPA, go here.

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Susan Woods, M. Ed, recently retired as Associate Dean of Student Support Services at Middlesex Community College after 27 years. Susan managed the college’s Disability Support Services, supporting 1000 students with documented disabilities, as well as alternative and grant funded support programs. Susan has regularly provided training and workshops to faculty and staff on creating welcoming and inclusive environments and universal design for instruction. Her work now focuses on professional development and training to high school personnel and families to help support the successful transition to college for students with disabilities. Her professional development website is www.susanbwoods.com.

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