
Safe Sexuality on Campus for Adults on the Spectrum: Recognizing the Unique Challenges

Graduate student Laura Gilmour is a STEM researcher in the fields of autism and sexuality. This video not only gives her a chance to introduce some important information about resources and practices around sexuality on campus that high school students who are preparing for college may be unfamiliar with–it also allows her to share how she took her own developing intense interest and used it to shape an academic career. As a grad student, Laura’s just getting started, but her path from interest to academic research can be your path, too.

Are you interested in hearing more from contributors who are also conducting graduate research? Try this blog by Patrick Dwyer. 

And let us know what questions you have for Laura in the comments.

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Laura Gilmour is a PhD candidate in educational psychology at the University of Alberta and an autistic self-advocate. Her research has centred around issues surrounding autism across the life span ranging from sexuality, online gaming, employment, and autism culture. She is actively involved in guest lectures in the Edmonton community which share both her personal and research experience.

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